At FTGU we believe in authentic assessment. That means we try to make assessment truly meaningful to the people who matter most - the child and her parents! Assessment at FTGU has five key components.

  1. Family meetings & survey - At the beginning, middle, and end of each academic year our mentors meet with each family to discuss goals for the child's learning. Parents and kids complete an informal survey form to reflect on their academic, creative, physical, and social/emotional learning. 
  2. Weekly Wrap ups - Each FTGU kid takes a few moments at the end of each week to record their favorite activities and proudest achievements on a google doc that provides a running record of their learninig that is always accessible to parents.
  3. Unit Ending Performance - We end each of our units by inviting family and friends to a performance-style showcase of everything we've learned - a concert to wrap up the music unit, a science fair to wrap up the chemistry unit, a kid-run restaurant to wrap up the food unit, an animals game show to wrap up the animals unit, etc. If you ask me, presenting information live in front of a group of people is way more impressive than acing a test! You can't fake that!
  4. Portfolio Presentations - At the close of each semester, full-time FTGU kids give a formal powerpoint presentation to their families showcasing their favorite moments from the semester. They also present their physical portfolio, a binder containing any paperwork related to the year's projects.
  5. Narratives -  At the end of the year, the mentors compose lengthy narratives describing each child's journey through the year. We include sections on academics as well as social/emotional learning, creative exploration, outdoor play, spiritual development - whatever stood out for that kid during the year. This is a service only provided for full-time students.